Receive Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Healing

Heal Yourself, Heal the World, 30 May 2020

Receive free online healing in this One World Healing Webinar with Master Healer Sri Avinash to heal yourself and heal the world.


0:00 Introduction videos
14:09 Sri Avinash welcomes everyone and explains the Webinar
15:23 One World Healing – receive healing from Master Sri Avinash
1:04:51 World Healing – join Sri Avinash to heal the world together – mother earth, our forests, all the animals and humanity.

Sri Avinash’s dream is to heal the world, and through these webinars his healing gift is accessible for free to every individual on the planet. These live healing webinar sessions are designed to boost your overall health and transform your life.

In this One World Healing, Sri Avinash transmits the healing energies of divine love, light, peace and universal chi, for your overall wellbeing and for the benefit of humanity. Sri Avinash’s healing focuses on physical and mental conditions, and your spiritual wellbeing. He works on raising your vibration, balancing and cleansing your main energy centres (chakras), and clearing fear and negativities from your overall system.

The final 20 minutes of the One World Healing is dedicated towards healing our planet. Together, we will all heal the planet with the power of our united healing energy. Sri Avinash guides you through this beautiful process.

This One World Healing is tremendously beneficial for every individual, for our planet and for all of humanity.

Receive Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Healing

Heal Yourself, Heal the World, 30 May 2020

Receive free online healing in this One World Healing Webinar with Master Healer Sri Avinash to heal yourself and heal the world.


0:00 Introduction videos
14:09 Sri Avinash welcomes everyone and explains the Webinar
15:23 One World Healing – receive healing from Master Sri Avinash
1:04:51 World Healing – join Sri Avinash to heal the world together – mother earth, our forests, all the animals and humanity.

Sri Avinash’s dream is to heal the world, and through these webinars his healing gift is accessible for free to every individual on the planet. These live healing webinar sessions are designed to boost your overall health and transform your life.

In this One World Healing, Sri Avinash transmits the healing energies of divine love, light, peace and universal chi, for your overall wellbeing and for the benefit of humanity. Sri Avinash’s healing focuses on physical and mental conditions, and your spiritual wellbeing. He works on raising your vibration, balancing and cleansing your main energy centres (chakras), and clearing fear and negativities from your overall system.

The final 20 minutes of the One World Healing is dedicated towards healing our planet. Together, we will all heal the planet with the power of our united healing energy. Sri Avinash guides you through this beautiful process.

This One World Healing is tremendously beneficial for every individual, for our planet and for all of humanity.

© Sri Avinash Do Mission Inc.