Mark’s Neck Injury Healed

Intensive Healing with Sri Avinash, Wednesday 1 January 2020

Mark had suffered terribly since falling backwards out of a utility truck that was travelling at high speed over 30 years ago. The damage to his neck resulted in decades of intense pain and headaches that he could find no relief from, until he attended an Intensive Healing session with Sri Avinash.

Watch as Mark shares his amazing story with us and how Sri Avinash’s Intensive Healing restored the full movement of his neck, pain-free, after the Intensive Healing sessions on Retreat with Sri Avinash.

Mark’s Neck Injury Healed

Intensive Healing with Sri Avinash, Wednesday 1 January 2020

Mark had suffered terribly since falling backwards out of a utility truck that was travelling at high speed over 30 years ago. The damage to his neck resulted in decades of intense pain and headaches that he could find no relief from, until he attended an Intensive Healing session with Sri Avinash.

Watch as Mark shares his amazing story with us and how Sri Avinash’s Intensive Healing restored the full movement of his neck, pain-free, after the Intensive Healing sessions on Retreat with Sri Avinash.

© Sri Avinash Do Mission Inc.